Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Top 10 Things that I am thankful for

1. That I have the opportunity to know Jehova God
2. That I am developing a strong relationship
with him
3. That I am serving him in the way he asks of us
4. That I can use the Bible to examine my spiritual
appearance in order to make any adjustment
nesessary to serve Jehova God the way he wants
5. That in the process of learning the truths in the
Bible and about Jehova's personallity I have
developed many great and genuine friendships
6. That thanks to the truths that I have and am
learning, I don't have the same false idea of life
that most people have, like the thought that we
don't have a purpose in life, that we are all destined
to live a few years and then die, because Jehova
God has told us in his Word that in the very near
future he, along with Jesus Christ, his son, will
govern the earth, which will be restored to a
global paradise, and once and for all put an end
to all of our problems like sickness and death, for
with their aid we will all be granted everlasting life
and will worship the one and only God, Jehova, in
7. That due for the love I have developed with Jehova,
I haven't and won't leave his side like my brother and
sister. I am hopeful though, that with the aid of Jehova
they will once again feel that love grow back in their hearts
and return to him once more.
8. That, as my parents say, I have helped them overpass
the pain that they felt when my brother and sister left
9. That my parents along with all of our loving Brothers and
Sisters, are always there to help me keep building up my
precious relationship with Jehova God.
10. That with the help of Jehova God I will forever keep on
worshiping him in the way he wants of us, found in the

Monday, November 17, 2008

What would I do if I were rich?

Although being rich would be nice, since you
could buy many things you want, I personally
would want to be rich. Whoa! That's what you
probably just said, right? It's true, I wouldn't
want to be rich. Why? Well, having money is
nice and all, but with it many problems may
arise. Like what? One of them is that
the thing with money is that you get an urge
to spend, spend, spend, and when you do this
before you know it you'll have many debts. And
guess what, you're the one who'll have to work
extra hard to pay them up. Now, let me tell you
that having many debts is not a good combination
with being a Jehova's Witness, how? Well, an
important part of being a Witness is the attendance
of our weekly reunions, were we are taught about
Jehova's Word, the Bible, and a whole more important
things, but how do I know that it's important? The
very Bible tells you that you mustn't
abandon the duty of getting together as people are
acustomed to to learn about Jehova's purpose,
and his many, many perfect qualities.
Now, when in debt, you can sometimes pull it
of by paying them and still attending the reunions,
but that's not always the case for when you spend alot of
time at work you could develope a love for money
which would make you work more and more, with the
excuse that you have to pay off your debts, and therefore
missing many reunions, you would harm your precious
relationship with Jehova God.
Now, another reason for not wanting to have lots of money
is that usually the simple life is all you need to get along.
Besides, the only thing that extra money gives you is comfort,
something that you don't nesessaryly need to live. Now, I'm
not saying that having lots of money is bad because the very
Bible says that money serves as a protection, but I, personally,
find that with lots of money one could more easyly that others
fall into putting in first place material things instead of what
deserves to be there, our relationship with Jehova God. Also,
there is one thing with money and material things is that
if you acumulate them , one moment you have them and then
you don't, while the real treasures that you should accumulate
are the ones you get with Jehova God and learning from his
Word, for these treasures cannot be "stolen nor destroyed" for
they last forever. As you can see, the real wealth that you should
worry about is not the material one but the one you progressively
gain with your relationship with Jehova and by learning his ways
from his Word, the Bible.

Friday, November 7, 2008