Friday, February 27, 2009

My Favorite Subject

Surprisingly enough, my favorite subject this
year is Math. I say this because a few years
ago, when I was in the 4th grade, I couldn't
stand it, it was just too hard to understand.
But, nowdays I kind of enjoy it, since I understand
it most of the time. You know, Math and all the
other subjects there are couldn't have come
to exist without a marvelous organ, the brain.
To this, we can all thank the infinite knowledge
and power of Jehovah God, for he is the one
who created us, our whole body including the
brain. Besides from that he also gave us the
wisdom and mentality to reason and remember
different patterns of numbers and sequences.
With this gift of reasoning, we can enjoy the
thrills and challenges of mathematics all because
of the excellent gift the Jehovah has given us, and
everyone can for sure say, "I am marvellously made."

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Favorite President

Personally, I don't have a favorite president. Why
don't I have one? To me, all presidents are just like
any average guy who, even if it's for the best, his
promises won't come true or if they do, they never last.
Why can I say this with such confidence? Well, the very
Bible, in Jeremiah 10:23 says," I well know, O Jehovah,
that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not
belong to man who is walking even to direct his step." In this
text, we are told that to man, that is away from the guidance
of Jehovah, his way does not belong, meaning that if they can't
guide themselves, then you can't expect them to guide or rule
others, even less to keep their promises.
The one person who I do want to talk about is Jehovah God. He
is the only one who can solve all the problems ,that mankind,
or the presidents say that they will fix, for good. One thing that brings
lots of hope is that he not only has the power to get rid of
the problems that bring pain to mankind, but he also has the desire to
do it. In Revelation 21:4, we are given a glimps of what he will do,
"And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death
will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be
anymore. The former things have passed away." Can you imagine
it? A world were death, our greatest enemy, will be no more, and
suffering and pain will vanish! Soon Jehovah God will bring
this new order and you will see for yourself that the only person
who can really bring order is the one and only, Jehovah God.

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Favorite Music

I am personally not familiar with Chopin's
pieces, but I do like this one that I've just
heard. Pretty much the only reason that I
like this piece is that, like all piano music and
classical music, it is very soothing, almost

Friday, February 6, 2009

"Regrettable" behaviors of "famous" people

Well, my opinion about Michael Phelps getting
caught doing drugs is no big deal. The real problem
is that people, as always, tend to tag any "famous"
person as their role model. How do I know this? It's
very simple, if it had been any other everyday guy
doing drugs no one would have cared. People who
do this are not following what is said to us in
Psalms 146:3 ," Do not put your trust in nobles,
Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs."
As we are told here, we mustn't put our trust in "nobles",
or in this case "famous" or renown people, because
they usually will let you down in some way, in this case
doing drugs in secret.
Now that I mention the fact of doing things in secret,
Hebrews 4:13 comes to my mind, it says,"And there is not
a creation that is not manifest to his sight, but all things
are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom
we have an accounting." This text gives us the certainty
that no one, no matter how carefully they hide an act, can
hide anything from Jehovah God. Something that is also
really interesting, is the fact that when people hide something
is because even they know that what they are doing is wrong.
So a word of advise that we can get from this is that since
we can't hide anything from Jehovah God, then we must
simply follow his sacred norms to be of his liking.