Friday, December 12, 2008

Reasons for going to church.

There are countless reasons for going to church,
many, but out of all of them two of them are
of the highest imporance. One of them, the
most important, is found in the very Bible. In it
it is stated that "we mustn't abandon the act
of getting together, as many people are acutomed
to". Now you must think the same as me that if
the very Jehova tells us in his Word that we must
get together to learn about his personallity and
purposes and to enrich each other within our
Now, another highly important reason that I
attend church for is that there I can learn about
Jehova God. What can you learn about Jehova?
As in any relationship with someone, in order to
really develope a lasting and strong relationship
you must know that person's name. In the same
way, Jehova wants us to be his friends, so to form
a relationship with him you must know his name,
Jehova. That is one of the first things that you learn,
his name, as it is stated in Psalms 83:18. Another of
the countless things that you can learn about Jehova
is of the many promises that he has made, and that he
plans to fulfill and the answer to many of the unanswered
questions that people have.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Top 10 Things that I am thankful for

1. That I have the opportunity to know Jehova God
2. That I am developing a strong relationship
with him
3. That I am serving him in the way he asks of us
4. That I can use the Bible to examine my spiritual
appearance in order to make any adjustment
nesessary to serve Jehova God the way he wants
5. That in the process of learning the truths in the
Bible and about Jehova's personallity I have
developed many great and genuine friendships
6. That thanks to the truths that I have and am
learning, I don't have the same false idea of life
that most people have, like the thought that we
don't have a purpose in life, that we are all destined
to live a few years and then die, because Jehova
God has told us in his Word that in the very near
future he, along with Jesus Christ, his son, will
govern the earth, which will be restored to a
global paradise, and once and for all put an end
to all of our problems like sickness and death, for
with their aid we will all be granted everlasting life
and will worship the one and only God, Jehova, in
7. That due for the love I have developed with Jehova,
I haven't and won't leave his side like my brother and
sister. I am hopeful though, that with the aid of Jehova
they will once again feel that love grow back in their hearts
and return to him once more.
8. That, as my parents say, I have helped them overpass
the pain that they felt when my brother and sister left
9. That my parents along with all of our loving Brothers and
Sisters, are always there to help me keep building up my
precious relationship with Jehova God.
10. That with the help of Jehova God I will forever keep on
worshiping him in the way he wants of us, found in the

Monday, November 17, 2008

What would I do if I were rich?

Although being rich would be nice, since you
could buy many things you want, I personally
would want to be rich. Whoa! That's what you
probably just said, right? It's true, I wouldn't
want to be rich. Why? Well, having money is
nice and all, but with it many problems may
arise. Like what? One of them is that
the thing with money is that you get an urge
to spend, spend, spend, and when you do this
before you know it you'll have many debts. And
guess what, you're the one who'll have to work
extra hard to pay them up. Now, let me tell you
that having many debts is not a good combination
with being a Jehova's Witness, how? Well, an
important part of being a Witness is the attendance
of our weekly reunions, were we are taught about
Jehova's Word, the Bible, and a whole more important
things, but how do I know that it's important? The
very Bible tells you that you mustn't
abandon the duty of getting together as people are
acustomed to to learn about Jehova's purpose,
and his many, many perfect qualities.
Now, when in debt, you can sometimes pull it
of by paying them and still attending the reunions,
but that's not always the case for when you spend alot of
time at work you could develope a love for money
which would make you work more and more, with the
excuse that you have to pay off your debts, and therefore
missing many reunions, you would harm your precious
relationship with Jehova God.
Now, another reason for not wanting to have lots of money
is that usually the simple life is all you need to get along.
Besides, the only thing that extra money gives you is comfort,
something that you don't nesessaryly need to live. Now, I'm
not saying that having lots of money is bad because the very
Bible says that money serves as a protection, but I, personally,
find that with lots of money one could more easyly that others
fall into putting in first place material things instead of what
deserves to be there, our relationship with Jehova God. Also,
there is one thing with money and material things is that
if you acumulate them , one moment you have them and then
you don't, while the real treasures that you should accumulate
are the ones you get with Jehova God and learning from his
Word, for these treasures cannot be "stolen nor destroyed" for
they last forever. As you can see, the real wealth that you should
worry about is not the material one but the one you progressively
gain with your relationship with Jehova and by learning his ways
from his Word, the Bible.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

"If I were old enough to vote in this years presidential election, I would vote for .........., and why?"

Even if I were old enough to vote I wouldn't
think twice in voting. Why? As I've said countless
times I am a Jehova's Witness, and like all
my Brothers and Sisters, we avoid fiddleing
with politics, including voting. The why is
simply because as Jehova's Witnesses we let
our lives be guided by his Word, the Bible, and
within his Word it is said to us that very soon
now human rule will be put aside and his rule will
extend throughout the world,along with many
blessings. Well, you probably know about the
model prayer that Jesus Christ said, well in that
prayer he says that " let your kingdom come".
That kingdom is the one that will solve all the current
problems like wars, violence,hunger, and the like.
Well, like I said we must waitfor this kingdom.
So, right now you may be thinking...What's this have
to do with voting? The answer to that question
is also quite simple, by voting we are choosing
an imperfect human to "rule" us, right?, then by
doing this we would be prefering the imperfect
rule of a human to the perfect and almighty rule of
Jehova God, which we wouldn't want to happen mainly
because no matter how many things the candidate says
that he'll fix they won't last, even if they try. On the other
hand Jehova God can't lie and he's almighty meaning that
he not only is able to solve global problems, but he also
has the desire to solve them. That is why we, as Jehova's
Witnesses, avoid voting, because we know that human
promises aren't reliable, and also because we are certain
that what he says will most certainly happen.

Friday, October 24, 2008

My biggest goal in life

My biggest goal in life, I would have to say,
is to become a loyal and dedicated full-time
pionner. Like I've said countless times I'm a
Jehova's Witness, and ever since last July, when
I was babtized publicly at our annual assembly,
I felt like I was finally serving Jehova God like
he wants us to do so. Notice that I've said "finally",
the thing is that ever since I was born my family
and I have been Jehova's Witnesses, but I never
felt like I was actually serving him properly until
now that I am babtized and old enough to understand
the true importance of serving him. As I stated in
the beginning my biggest goal is to become a full-time
pioneer or if I acquire the nessesary skills to become
something even higher, like a missionary or elder. But...
What is a pioneer, a missionary, and an elder? I'll
first cover the pioneer, a full-time pioneer to be exact.
This is a title granted to a babtized Witness who has
the skill and desire to serve more fully in the ministry.
Right now I'm a part-time pioneer, which means that
I help in the ministry too, but have to fill in a form for
the months I want to serve, while a full-time pioneer
serves in the ministry everymonth because he or she
is sincerly interested in giving Jehova's Word to the
people of our locality. A missionary is kind of the same
thing, exept for one slight detail. He of she is assigned
to a certain area, like to another city, state, or even another
country, were the pioneers there are scarce and need aid
to give out Jehova's Message.
Now, I've talked about full-time pioneers and missionaries,
but now I'm going to tell you the responsabilities one must
keep in order to be an elder. An elder is a capacitated Brother
who helps guide and give good advice to the congregation, each
congregation is assigned two or more elders. To further show you
the responsabilities of an elder, I shall make a comparison. An
elder can be compared to a sheep hearder and the Brothers and
Sisters of the congregation as the sheep. A hearder guides his
sheep through safe paths for their well-being and can even give
them a little nudge to keep them on that path. An Elder's responsability
is to guide his fellow Brothers and Sisters along the path laid
down by Jehova God's Word and also to disipline and
advice them, which can be considered as a"nudge", to stay on it.
As you can see, these three "jobs" require a lot of determination
and desire to be done right, and one day I hope, with the help of
Jehova, that I will achieve one of these posts and complete it
to his liking.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Should Higher Education be "free" or paid by the government.

I believe that higher education should be
free. Why? Well, many people around the
world don't go to college due to their lack of
money to pay for tuition. If education was
free like public schools, many more people
would decide to learn higher since they got
nothing to loose. That way there would be
more people with higher paying jobs, resulting
in an increase in the nation's economy, which
would do well now for the supposeably economic
crisis the nation's in. Now, I can't and won't call
myself an expert in the education system, so
I'm not too sure if a free education, like college,
would have these results. Besides, personally I
don't give the chance of going to college much
thought. Why?
As I've said countless times, I'm a Jehova's Witness,
and my primary obligation and desire is to serve
him as much as possible taking advantage of every
chance I have to talk to people about the truths laid
before us in the Bible. This doesn't mean that Jehova's
Witnesses are against education, it's just that I, myself,
consider my relationship with Jehova more important.
Because of this, I don't give college too much importance,
besides a simple life helps you avoid many problems
generated by having or wanting too much money.
You're probably curious as to what are my plans after
high school if I'm not going to college, so I'll tell you.
My plans are to become, if I have what it takes,
a full-time pionner, that way I'll not only guide
people who are unaware of the importance of seeking
Jehova God, but also I'll strenghten my relationship
with him in the process.Either way I think education
should be free, even though I won't go to college, so
that other people who desire an education and a
"good job" can benefit from it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The most interesting person that I have ever met

The most interesting person that I have ever met
is someone I hold very dear to my heart, his name
is Martin De Leon. He, like me, is also a Jehova's
Witness. I had the pleasure of meeting him when
his family and himself first arrived at our congregation.
Brother De Leon, as we call him, is a grown man,
around his 50's. You would think that someone his
age would be boring and mean, but man! Brother
De Leon is exactly the opposite! He's nice, funny,
affectuous, and most importantly, he has a strong
relationship with Jehova God. It's true, since the
very moment that I saluted and introduced myself,
I knew that we were going to be great friends.
Now, remember how I said that he was sent to our
congregation. Well, his family and him, which included his
wife and his two daughters, Rachel and Rebecca, who
are also really nice and have a strong relationship with Jehova God,
after being with us for about 4 months left, that's right, LEFT!
Why? Well, another congregation, who was lacking elders,
requested to the superintendent if they could
take Brother De Leon. Man! I was so sad!
But,guess what, they came back a few months ago! It's great!
This time they brought new company.
Along with them came their 25 year- old son, Andres, and their
24 year-old daughter, Miriam. Even more happyness came
to me when I meet them, they have the same attitude
and cheerful spirit as Brother De Leon. But, why else do
you like him? You may ask. Well, believe it or not,
when I'm around him I feel a unusual feeling of peace
and tranquility. Seriously, I see him as my second father,
that's how much I love and appresiate him.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The scariest thing that ever happened to me

If I can remember correctly, a time when I was
very, but very scared was when I was going to
give my very first talk in the KINGDOM HALL
of the Jehova's Witnesses. That happened when
I was about 10 years old. My talk consisted of
reading a chapter of the Bible. It sounds simple,
but man! I was scared! Why? I was afraid that
I would either lose my place or make a mistake
reading and make a fool of myself in front of the
whole congregation.
Now, since this was my first talk, I was told to start
preparing myself with a months notice. So, that very
day I began reading over it perfecting my reading,
since back then I had trouble reading. The month
slowly crept by, and the day came closer and closer.
Finally, the day came, so, I got dressed in my little
suit and tie and we were off. When we got there my
nervousness increased even more. The reunion began
so I silently reread the chapter, just to make sure. Then
after the first three introductory talks, my turn came.
My heart pounded with the loudness of 1000 booming drums,
then slowly walking to the platform I reached the podium.
Once there I gathered all my courage and began to read
in front of the whole congregation. Man! Did I read well or
what! When I finished there was silence, then as sudden as
a lion roars came the sound of applause! "Success!", I said
to myself. And ever since I have read and progressed in my
talks. Now I might get a little nervous, but not as much as
my first talk.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The U.S. Economy

The US has the world's largest economy, but what makes it look bad
is the fact that it is troubled by high levels of debt. Recently, the US has
failed in the US housing and credit markets, resulting in a slowdown in
its economy.


In this article, people have described the US's economic situation
as the "worst global financial crisis" since the great depression. Can
you believe it! That's how bad the economy is right now. But, what's
contributing to its downfall is that the US had to increase its swap line
because of its restriction to its money.


This article describes the US's times of prosperity when all seemed stable,
meaning its ecomony. But it all "collapsed" because if the new electronic
innovations, making people think twice about their actions. Also, foreign
"powers" were gaining strengh and opportunity, leading to the re-examination
of people's workplaces. Because of this many modern workers look at the
future with uncertainty, fearing that further economic drop will occur.


In short, I believe that the economy will keep going from bad to worse.
But, there is also another possibility, that the government will find a
way to fix this mess and recreate its former economic glory. The thing
is, that when the governments are saying "peace and security" their day
will come. That's right, Jehova God will end all the global governments
and will rule himself. The wonders that will occur during his rule are
truly exciting, he will solve all the global problems for good, not for some
time, but forever. There are many more blessings than this one, but I think
that this one fits in more appropriately to the subject. That is what I believe,
that the only one who can solve all the global crisises is the one and olny God,