Thursday, October 30, 2008

"If I were old enough to vote in this years presidential election, I would vote for .........., and why?"

Even if I were old enough to vote I wouldn't
think twice in voting. Why? As I've said countless
times I am a Jehova's Witness, and like all
my Brothers and Sisters, we avoid fiddleing
with politics, including voting. The why is
simply because as Jehova's Witnesses we let
our lives be guided by his Word, the Bible, and
within his Word it is said to us that very soon
now human rule will be put aside and his rule will
extend throughout the world,along with many
blessings. Well, you probably know about the
model prayer that Jesus Christ said, well in that
prayer he says that " let your kingdom come".
That kingdom is the one that will solve all the current
problems like wars, violence,hunger, and the like.
Well, like I said we must waitfor this kingdom.
So, right now you may be thinking...What's this have
to do with voting? The answer to that question
is also quite simple, by voting we are choosing
an imperfect human to "rule" us, right?, then by
doing this we would be prefering the imperfect
rule of a human to the perfect and almighty rule of
Jehova God, which we wouldn't want to happen mainly
because no matter how many things the candidate says
that he'll fix they won't last, even if they try. On the other
hand Jehova God can't lie and he's almighty meaning that
he not only is able to solve global problems, but he also
has the desire to solve them. That is why we, as Jehova's
Witnesses, avoid voting, because we know that human
promises aren't reliable, and also because we are certain
that what he says will most certainly happen.

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