Friday, October 24, 2008

My biggest goal in life

My biggest goal in life, I would have to say,
is to become a loyal and dedicated full-time
pionner. Like I've said countless times I'm a
Jehova's Witness, and ever since last July, when
I was babtized publicly at our annual assembly,
I felt like I was finally serving Jehova God like
he wants us to do so. Notice that I've said "finally",
the thing is that ever since I was born my family
and I have been Jehova's Witnesses, but I never
felt like I was actually serving him properly until
now that I am babtized and old enough to understand
the true importance of serving him. As I stated in
the beginning my biggest goal is to become a full-time
pioneer or if I acquire the nessesary skills to become
something even higher, like a missionary or elder. But...
What is a pioneer, a missionary, and an elder? I'll
first cover the pioneer, a full-time pioneer to be exact.
This is a title granted to a babtized Witness who has
the skill and desire to serve more fully in the ministry.
Right now I'm a part-time pioneer, which means that
I help in the ministry too, but have to fill in a form for
the months I want to serve, while a full-time pioneer
serves in the ministry everymonth because he or she
is sincerly interested in giving Jehova's Word to the
people of our locality. A missionary is kind of the same
thing, exept for one slight detail. He of she is assigned
to a certain area, like to another city, state, or even another
country, were the pioneers there are scarce and need aid
to give out Jehova's Message.
Now, I've talked about full-time pioneers and missionaries,
but now I'm going to tell you the responsabilities one must
keep in order to be an elder. An elder is a capacitated Brother
who helps guide and give good advice to the congregation, each
congregation is assigned two or more elders. To further show you
the responsabilities of an elder, I shall make a comparison. An
elder can be compared to a sheep hearder and the Brothers and
Sisters of the congregation as the sheep. A hearder guides his
sheep through safe paths for their well-being and can even give
them a little nudge to keep them on that path. An Elder's responsability
is to guide his fellow Brothers and Sisters along the path laid
down by Jehova God's Word and also to disipline and
advice them, which can be considered as a"nudge", to stay on it.
As you can see, these three "jobs" require a lot of determination
and desire to be done right, and one day I hope, with the help of
Jehova, that I will achieve one of these posts and complete it
to his liking.

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